Warfare is undeniably negative, many people die because of mass murder, because of unresolved conflicts between two polar principles of nations but the great irony of humanity is that we don’t know how many people struggle and die because of polluted water which is supposed to be a very basic necessity.
Ignorance, Negligence, Irresponsibility is said to be the root cause of such problems for developing nations like the Philippines. Sleazy officials do not really see the need for such monumental change because they focus more on the aesthetics, they really do not know how to prioritize things. The problem emanates from idiocy; many people irresponsibly dump trash on the sea or even have landfills wherever they want to. And here comes the government, who is very passive in addressing the problem but the most crucial of all, is on how these hypocrites can only give lip service or even false hopes about waste management in order to get their votes during election.
What most of us don’t understand is that, it’s not too late to have that transformation. You can’t really have a monumental change in a blink of an eye, it requires a lot of hard work and the sustainability is highly demanding. But what really is wastewater treatment? It is a process of taking wastewater and making it suitable for discharge back into the environment. A very concise and inclusive definition of wastewater treatment but how many people really paymuch attention to this social issue? It is really a struggle in coming up with solutions but we have to deal with it nonetheless because the status quo calls for a drastic change over sanitary and health issues.
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